A Zero-variance-based Sampling Scheme for Monte Carlo Subsurface Scattering
We present a new variance reduction technique for unbiased Monte
Carlo simulation of subsurface scattering—an important rendering
problem for translucent materials like skin. The method is derived
from the theory of zero-variance random walks, so far unexploited
in computer graphics. Our method lowers variance per sample while increasing
performance in Monte Carlo subsurface scattering simulation.
The classical sampling results (left) use 100 samples/pixel. Our
results use equal time with about 50% more samples/pixel (right).
Jaroslav Křivánek and Eugene d'Eon.
A Zero-variance-based Sampling Scheme for Monte Carlo Subsurface Scattering.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Talks ...
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Part of this work was done while the first author was with Weta Digital.
This work was supported by the Czech Science Foundation (grant P202-13-26189S) and Charles University in Prague.