A Spatial Target Function for Metropolis Photon Tracing

Scene name: Underwater
Comparison time: 3600

HDR files archive: underwater.tar
Rendered imagesPositive (green) - negative (red) difference from referenceTarget function (false color)
Reference Our method with spatial TF Hachisuka and Jensen [2011] Vorba et al. [2014]
Reference Our method with spatial TF Hachisuka and Jensen [2011] Vorba et al. [2014]
Reference Our method with spatial TF Hachisuka and Jensen [2011] Vorba et al. [2014]
Comparison of our technique to previous works.

Rendered imagesPositive (green) - negative (red) difference from referenceTarget function (false color)
Reference Our method with inverse-kernel-size TF (2nd factor in Eq. 13) Our method with spatial TF Our method with image-based TF
Reference Our method with inverse-kernel-size TF (2nd factor in Eq. 13) Our method with spatial TF Our method with image-based TF
Reference Our method with inverse-kernel-size TF (2nd factor in Eq. 13) Our method with spatial TF Our method with image-based TF
Comparison of the different versions of our technique (spatial TF, image-based TF, inverse-kernel-size TF)

Rendered imagesPositive (green) - negative (red) difference from referenceTarget function (false color)
Our method with spatial TF Chen et al. [2011] PSSMLT with multi-stage TF MEMLT and multi-stage TF
Our method with spatial TF Chen et al. [2011] PSSMLT with multi-stage TF MEMLT and multi-stage TF
Our method with spatial TF Chen et al. [2011] PSSMLT with multi-stage TF MEMLT and multi-stage TF
Comparison of our technique to Chen et al. [2011] and a multi-stage version of a) primary-sample space MLT (PSSMLT) [Kelemen et al. 2002] and b) MLT with Manifold Exploration [Jakob and Marschner 2012].

Rendered imagesPositive (green) - negative (red) difference from referenceTarget function (false color)
Our method with spatial TF PSSMLT with multi-stage TF PSSMLT with two-stage TF PSSMLT
Our method with spatial TF PSSMLT with multi-stage TF PSSMLT with two-stage TF PSSMLT
Our method with spatial TF PSSMLT with multi-stage TF PSSMLT with two-stage TF PSSMLT
Comparison of our technique to different variants of primary-sample space MLT (PSSMLT) [Kelemen et al. 2002].

Rendered imagesPositive (green) - negative (red) difference from referenceTarget function (false color)
Our method with spatial TF MEMLT and multi-stage TF MEMLT and two-stage TF MEMLT
Our method with spatial TF MEMLT and multi-stage TF MEMLT and two-stage TF MEMLT
Our method with spatial TF MEMLT and multi-stage TF MEMLT and two-stage TF MEMLT
Comparison of our technique to different variants of MLT with Manifold Exploration [Jakob and Marschner 2012].

Rendered imagesPositive (green) - negative (red) difference from referenceTarget function (false color)
Hachisuka and Jensen [2009] Path tracing Bidirectional path tracing ERPT
Hachisuka and Jensen [2009] Path tracing Bidirectional path tracing ERPT
Hachisuka and Jensen [2009] Path tracing Bidirectional path tracing ERPT
Results with other rendering techniques: Stochasitc Progressive Photon Mapping [Hachisuka and Jensen 2009], path tracing, Bidirectional path tracing [Lafortune and Willems 1993,Veach 1997] and Energy redistribution path tracing [Cline el al. 2005] with Manifold Exploration [Jakob and Marschner 2012]

Relative error

Dashed lines correspond to previous work, solid lines are different variants of our algorithm.

Dashed lines correspond to previous work, solid lines are different variants of our algorithm.

TVI error

In these graphs we plot the TVI error calculated by Eq. 7 in Hoberock and Hart [2010]

Dashed lines correspond to previous work, solid lines are different variants of our algorithm.

Dashed lines correspond to previous work, solid lines are different variants of our algorithm.


Dashed lines correspond to previous work, solid lines are different variants of our algorithm.

Dashed lines correspond to previous work, solid lines are different variants of our algorithm.