Scene name: Villa Interior
Comparison time: 3600
Rendered images | Positive (green) - negative (red) difference from reference | Target function (false color) |
Rendered images | Positive (green) - negative (red) difference from reference | Target function (false color) |
Rendered images | Positive (green) - negative (red) difference from reference | Target function (false color) |
Rendered images | Positive (green) - negative (red) difference from reference | Target function (false color) |
Rendered images | Positive (green) - negative (red) difference from reference | Target function (false color) |
Rendered images | Positive (green) - negative (red) difference from reference | Target function (false color) |
Dashed lines correspond to previous work, solid lines are different variants of our algorithm.
Dashed lines correspond to previous work, solid lines are different variants of our algorithm.
In these graphs we plot the TVI error calculated by Eq. 7 in Hoberock and Hart [2010]
Dashed lines correspond to previous work, solid lines are different variants of our algorithm.
Dashed lines correspond to previous work, solid lines are different variants of our algorithm.
Dashed lines correspond to previous work, solid lines are different variants of our algorithm.
Dashed lines correspond to previous work, solid lines are different variants of our algorithm.