Mgr. LukᚠMaršálek

Computer Graphics Group (CGG) (www)
Department of Software and Computer Science Education (KSVI) (www)
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (MFF) (www)
Charles University in Prague (UK) (www)

Lukas dot Marsalek at mff dot cuni dot cz


I have a new set of Master and Bachelor topics ready for this semester!
The topics are related to our new Bioinformatics Visualization project, checkout the Project Website - search for PDFs under Jobs & Theses


In WS 09/10 I am supervising Bachelor and Master theses, check their list on BioVis project website, under Jobs & Theses.
Do you like some of the theses topics? Don't be shy and contact me directly on the above email!!

I will be giving some lectures within the Seminar on Computer Graphics


Currently I am 5th year Ph.D. student at Computer Graphics at MFF UK (see the page header for the abbreaviations) under the supervision of RNDr. Josef Pelikan (www).

I am currently working on the following research projects:

Overall my research interests are:

About me

Last update on 10/01/2009