Win32 executables can participate in these tournaments. You can send a source (prefered) or a Win32 binary by e-mail (don't send me the cygwin1.dll, your program can use it automatically). I will include it in my system and after approx. 2 days you can see first results.
If you are ready to post your code, please don't forget to add your program's name, version, your full name, e-address and POTM systest score (if you know it). Thank you.
Number of entries is growing every day (see the news) - one complete tournament on one board might take more than 50 CPU hours. My computer is running tournaments overnight - about 10-14 CPU hours per day.
Your program should follow the POTM (April 2000) rules!
You could spend at most 10 seconds of CPU per one move - the machine I'm running tournaments has AMD K6-3 / 450Mhz processor (320KB of "on-die" internal cache!) and 256 MB of physical memory (OS: Window$ 98). But please don't use more than 80MB of memory, otherwise it would be less comparable to the final HW configuration (SPARC ULTRA-2 with 128 MB of RAM). Remember: my PC is a bit faster than the final ULTRA-2 machine!
See recent news.
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Feel free to contact author - Josef Pelikán.