Handling Fluorescence in a Uni-directional Spectral Path Tracer
M. Mojzík +, A. Fichet +#, A. Wilkie +
+ Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
# INRIA, Univ. Grenoble Alpes/LJK, CNRS/LJK, France
Handling Fluorescence in a Uni-directional Spectral Path Tracer
M. Mojzík +, A. Fichet +#, A. Wilkie +
+ Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
# INRIA, Univ. Grenoble Alpes/LJK, CNRS/LJK, France
We present two separate improvements to the handling of fluorescence effects in modern uni-directional spectral rendering systems. The first is the formulation of a new distance tracking scheme for fluorescent volume materials which exhibit a pronounced wavelength asymmetry. Such volumetric materials are an important and not uncommon corner case of wavelength-shifting media behaviour, and have not been addressed so far in rendering literature. The second one is that we introduce an extension of Hero wavelength sampling which can handle fluorescence events, both on surfaces, and in volumes. Both improvements are useful by themselves, and can be used separately: when used together, they enable the robust inclusion of arbitrary fluorescence effects in modern uni-directional spectral MIS path tracers. Our extension of Hero wavelength sampling is generally useful, while our proposed technique for distance tracking in strongly asymmetric media is admittedly not very efficient. However, it makes the most of a rather difficult situation, and at least allows the inclusion of such media in uni-directional path tracers, albeit at comparatively high cost. Which is still an improvement since up to now, their inclusion was not really possible at all, due to the inability of conventional tracking schemes to generate sampling points in such volume materials.
M. Mojzík, A. Fichet, A. Wilkie: Handling Fluorescence in a Uni-directional Spectral Path Tracer. Computer Graphics Forum 37(4) (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2018)
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Pre-print article (low quality figures, 2 MB)
BibTeX entry
This work was financed by the Czech Science Foundation under grant number 16-08111S, and also via the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 642841 (DISTRO).
These Cornell boxes are filled with a fluorescent medium which absorbs at 360nm & re-emits at 620nm, and the two spherical objects have fluorescent surfaces as well. With classical exponential tracking, the fluorescent volume could not be rendered at all, and these images show a progression from a simple (but inefficient) fix to a fully converged solution. Please refer to the teaser image caption in the paper for a detailed description.