Ray-tracing of Gems

320x240, 22Kb

Authors: Petr Mourek + Co.
Supervisor: Josef Pelikán, KSVI
Year: 1994
Platform: PC (MS-DOS, Windows)
Source: not available (contact authors)

Pictures of gems were generated by distributed ray-tracer, which uses distribution in wave-length domain to simulate realistic difraction of light.

Sample images:

To get larger image, click on thumbnail:

Prism (320x240, 6Kb)

Balls (640x480, 39Kb)

Diamond (320x240, 9Kb)

Ruby (320x240, 22Kb)

Diamond in environment (640x480, 36Kb)

Wagon (640x480, 30Kb)

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(c) J.Pelikan, last change: 5.6.1996, Josef.Pelikan@mff.cuni.cz