PostScript interpreter EMSCRIPT

year: 1995, author: Tomas Mayer, supervisor: Frantisek Mráz

Ceská verze


Full text in Czech (PostScript, 67 pages, 2185KB gzipped)
short introduction in English (PostScript, 7 pages, 147KB) or in Czech (PostScript, 8 pages, 163KB)

Executables for MS-Windows 3.1 (ZIP: 222KB)
MS-Word documents (mostly in Czech, Word 6.0 format, ZIP: 386KB)
Source code (Borland-Pascal 7.0 for Windows, ZIP: 96KB)


EMSCRIPT is a PostScript interpreter. It arose as a demonstrative tool for the interpretation of the Postscript language. None of the similar programs, which I came across, provided a simple resource for looking into the inner mechanism of interpretation. I designed this program to afford these services. It is meant for anyone who wants to study basic functions of the PostScript interpreter.

I tried to reach the standard of the Adobe corporation to serve for the first meeting of the user with such an interpreter. The program is not meant for printing of large documents in high quality. It is designed for basic programs, that will serve to clear basic principles.

Tools inside the integrated environment allows you to look at the inner processes of the interpretation. The latest program version has a built-in monitoring system of the operand stack, executable stack, the contents virtual memory, the current graphic path shape, the clipping path and the output page. A basic subset of PostScript operators is implemented in the program. It was chosen to demonstrate the best possible using principles of PostScript interpretation.


You can adapt or use the program with these conditions:
  1. It is written in the adapted program documentation that it is a program derived from the EMSCRIPT version 2/1996 and a signature of the author of these adaptations.
  2. In case you use part of the source code in your own applications, you should write that it uses parts from the source code of program EMSCRIPT version 2/1996 into the source code and documentation.
This program is permitted to be copied and distributed freely.

Suggestions and questions

If you have some questions or suggestions, please write to:

Tomas Mayer
Branislavova 1413
266 01 Beroun
Czech Republic



Program EMSCRIPT je interpret PostScriptu. Vznikl jako prostredek pro nazornou ukazku interpretace PostScriptoveho jazyka. Zadny z podobnych programu, se kterymi jsem se setkal, neobsahoval jednoduche prostredky pro nahlizeni do vnitrnich mechanizmu interpretace zdrojoveho textu PostScriptu. Program EMSCRIPT jsem proto navrhl s ohledem na poskytnuti teto sluzby. Je urcen vsem, kteri se chteji seznamit se zakladnimi funkcemi PostScriptoveho interpretu.

EMSCRIPT se snazi priblizit standardu firmy Adobe tak, aby poslouzil k prvnimu seznameni uzivatele s cinnosti takovychto interpretu. Program neni urcen pro tisk rozsahlych PostScriptovych dokumentu ve vysoke kvalite, je koncipovan pro male programy, ktere budou slouzit k objasneni zakladnich principu.

Debug nastroje v integrovanem prostredi umoznuji nahlizet do vnitrnich mechanizmu intepretace. Soucasna verze programu EMSCRIPT ma zabudovan system monitorovani zasobniku operandu, proceduralniho zasobniku, obsahu virtualni pameti, tvaru aktualni graficke cesty, cesty orezu a vyslednou grafickou stranku.Program ma implementovanu zakladni podmnozinu operatoru. Ta byla volena tak, aby bylo mozno demonstrovat nejpouzivanejsi mechanizmy interpretace PostScriptoveho programu.

Autorska prava

Doufam, ze program EMSCRIPT najde sve uplatneni, ale neposkytuji zadnou zaruku na 100% bezchybnou cinnost programu. Program je mozno libovolne upravovat a pouzivat jednotlive casti kodu ve vlastnich aplikacnich programech pod podminkou, ze:
  1. v dokumentaci upraveneho programu bude vyslovne receno, ze se jedna o upravenou verzi a kdo ji upravil,
  2. v pripade pouziti nekterych casti programu ve vlastnich aplikacich pak bude ve zdrojovych textech a v dokumentaci zapsano, ze tato konkretni caat pochazi ze zdrojovych textu programu EMSCRIPT.
Program je tez mozno libovolne kopirovat a zdarma distribuovat.

Namety a pripominky

Jakekoli pripominky ci namety posilejte na adresu:

Tomas Mayer
Branislavova 1413
266 01 Beroun


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