Links concerning character animation and motion capture
- History of Computer Graphics,
an excellent column
- Computer
Animation course at University of Wisconsin
taught by M. Gleicher
- Computer
Animation course at Georia Institute of Technology
- Computer
Animation Information Page,
links to a lot of animation resources, by Rick Parent
- Rotating
Objects Using Quaternions,
Gamasutra tutorial (conversions between matrices, quaternions and Euler
angles, SLERP, and corresponding efficient procedures in C)
- Orientation
& Quaternions,
Various representations of orientation and more modern view on quaternions
- Character
SIGGRAPH educational materials
Walking from animator's point of view, with
nice expressive pictures /local copy/
Life in Computer Graphics, a lot of top research animations
- Advanced
Character Physics,
resource guide on Gamasutra
- Motion
Capture - Hot Links,
a lot of motion capture links (hardware, research groups,
resources, software, …)
- MoCap
links to MC full papers online
- Materials
from SIGGRAPH 2001 and 2002,
available online
- An
Annotatated Bibliography for Motion Capture and Computer Animation,
local copy saved from online
SIGGRAPH '01 Course #51
Research Groups
- The
Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design, Ohio State
University and motion
capture research there
- Dept.
of Computer and Information Science, Ohio State University,
computer animation research and its chief Rick Parent
- MIRALab,
Nadia Magnenat Thalmann
- Virtual Reality Lab,
Daniel Thalmann
Michael Gleicher, motion capture, editing, retargeting, motion library
- James
F. O'Brien, various animation research
- Zoran
Popović, motion synthesis and body modeling research at
- Humanoid Animation Working
Group, working group of W3C
Vladimír Štěpán - Humanoid Animation
Software and Data
- Motion
Capture Viewer and Motion Blender,
simple programs for viewing BVH files
- Pin.8:
Motion Capture Analysis and Reconstruction System,
a new GPL licenced program for optical motion capture data post-processing
(using IDF file format)
- Mosey:
Motion Capture Playback and Cleanup, a simple program with
sources in C++ with OpenGL for basic processing of raw MC data and
interactive marker identification
- Cal3D,
a free character animation library with sources in C++
- Maya
Personal Learning Edition,
edition for free download
- Motek Stockmoves,
a free web-based library of various human movements (in BVH format)
- Free BVH Files,
needs free registration
-, free motion capture
data, textures, 3D models, fonts,… Excelent site!
- 3D Games Resources, 3d models,
textures, sounds
- Some motion capture
data at Ohio State University
20. 10. 2005