Robust and Efficient Light Transport Simulation in Arbitrary EnvironmentsResearch project funded by the Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR).
AbstractDeveloping robust light transport simulation algorithms that could efficiently and accurately render a wide variety of environments remains an important challenge for the computer graphics research. The proposed project addresses this problem. Our objective is to deepen the current understanding of the computational structure of light transport simulation and to develop novel general, robust, automatic, and efficient simulation algorithms. Our research methodology is based on the realization that the common origin of the inefficiencies in most existing light transport algorithms is the ineffectiveness of light transport path sampling strategies. We recognize that a number of sub-problems encountered in improving these strategies are in fact special instances of more general problems studied in the prolific Machine Learning research. Studying light transport in this wider context will allow casting the individual problems – so far addressed in an ad hoc manner – in a more formal framework. A wide range of existing and emerging applications will benefit from our results. Publications2014
Jaroslav Křivánek and
Eugene d'Eon
A. Wilkie,
S. Nawaz,
M. Droske,
A. Weidlich, and
J. Hanika,
Jiří Vorba,
Ondřej Karlík,
Martin Šik,
Tobias Ritschel, and
Jaroslav Křivánek,
Jaroslav Křivánek,
Iliyan Georgiev,
Toshiya Hachisuka,
Petr Vévoda,
Martin Šik,
Derek Nowrouzezahrai, and
Wojciech Jarosz
Tomáš Davidovič,
Jaroslav Křivánek,
Miloš Hašan, and
Philipp Slusallek
Ondřej Karlík,
Martin Růžička,
Václav Gassenbauer,
Fabio Pellacini, and
Jaroslav Křivánek
Carsten Dachsbacher,
Jaroslav Křivánek,
Miloš Hašan,
Adam Arbree,
Bruce Walter, and
Jan Novák.
Jaroslav Křivánek,
Alexander Keller,
Iliyan Georgiev,
Anton S. Kaplanyan,
Marcos Fajardo,
Mark Meyer,
Jean-Daniel Nahmias,
Ondřej Karlík,
Juan Canada.
Jaroslav Křivánek,
Iliyan Georgiev,
Anton Kaplanyan, and
Juan Canada
Jaroslav Křivánek
Alexander Wilkie and
Lukáš Hošek
Iliyan Georgiev,
Jaroslav Křivánek,
Toshiya Hachisuka,
Derek Nowrouzezahrai, and
Wojciech Jarosz
Iliyan Georgiev,
Jaroslav Křivánek,
Tomáš Davidovič, and
Philipp Slusallek
Martin Šik and
Jaroslav Křivánek
Jaroslav Křivánek,
Iliyan Georgiev,
Anton Kaplanyan, and
Juan Canada
Carsten Dachsbacher,
Jaroslav Křivánek,
Miloš Hašan,
Adam Arbree,
Bruce Walter, and
Jan Novák.