MSwho bugs and notes

Notes for users

Known bugs:

Fixed bugs, log:

fixed bad real-name in case of negative answer from whois
empty cells replaced by '.'
little changes in output format
fixed empty output when no hosts specified
real-name database updating by user - database.html form
added difference between 'idle' (>1h) and 'long idle' (>1d) users
last 4 columns in HTML table are optional
HTML+ output cells cannot be broken into two lines
non-breaking space ( ) solves the problem with empty cells
connection control was improved (program used to crash if 'finger' connection is refused)
better last name parsing (Adam T. Dingle)
added 'finger -l' query for NetWare servers
run-time statistics added

Another info about MSwho program

[MSwho request form], [MSwho database form], [Josef Pelikán's home page], [KSVI Web server]

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