BibTeX entries of papers related to computer animation of vertebratea
@misc{ gleicher99animation, author = "M. Gleicher", title = "Animation from observation: Motion capture and motion editing", text = "Michael Gleicher. Animation from observation: Motion capture and motion editing. Computer Graphics, 1999. Invited paper to appear in a special issue edited by S. Seitz and R. Szeliski.", year = "1999", url = "" }
@article{ shin01computer, author = "Hyun Joon Shin and Jehee Lee and Sung Yong Shin and Michael Gleicher", title = "Computer puppetry: An importance-based approach", journal = "ACM Transactions on Graphics", volume = "20", number = "2", pages = "67-94", year = "2001", url = "" }
@article{ multon99computer, author = "Franck Multon and Laure France and Marie-Paule Cani-Gascuel and Giles Debunne", title = "Computer animation of human walking: a survey", journal = "The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation", volume = "10", number = "1", month = "--", pages = "39--54", year = "1999", url = "" }
@inproceedings{ chung99animation, author = "Shih-kai Chung and James K. Hahn", title = "Animation of Human Walking in Virtual Environments", booktitle = "{CA}", pages = "4-15", year = "1999", url = "" }
@misc{ arikan02interactive, author = "Okan Arikan and D. A. Forsyth", title = "Interactive motion generation from examples", text = "O. Arikan and D. A. Forsyth. Interactive motion generation from examples. In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 02, 2002.", year = "2002", url = "" }
@article{ monzani00using, author = "Jean-S{\'e}bastien Monzani and Paolo Baerlocher and Ronan Boulic and Daniel Thalmann", title = "Using an Intermediate Skeleton and Inverse Kinematics for Motion Retargeting", journal = "Com{\-}pu{\-}ter Graphics Forum", volume = "19", number = "3", pages = "??--??", year = "2000", url = "" }
@misc{ taycher-recovering, author = "Leonid Taycher and John W. Fisher III and Trevor Darrell", title = "Recovering Articulated Model Topology from Observed Motion", url = "" }
@inproceedings{ obrien00automatic, author = "James O'Brien and Robert Bodenheimer and Gabriel Brostow and Jessica Hodgins", title = "Automatic Joint Parameter Estimation from Magnetic Motion Capture Data", booktitle = "Graphics Interface", pages = "53--60", year = "2000", url = "" }
@misc{ pullen02motion, author = "K. Pullen and C. Bregler", title = "Motion capture assisted animation: Texturing and synthesis", text = "K. Pullen and C. Bregler. Motion capture assisted animation: Texturing and synthesis. In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 02, 2002.", year = "2002", url = "" }
@misc{ yabe99similarity, author = "Takeshi Yabe Division", title = "Similarity Retrieval of Human Motion As Multi-stream Time Series Data", url = "" }
@article{ silaghi98local, author = "Marius-Calin Silaghi and Ralf Pl{\"a}nkers and Ronan Boulic and Pascal Fua and Daniel Thalmann", title = "Local and Global Skeleton Fitting Techniques for Optical Motion Capture", journal = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "1537", pages = "26--40", year = "1998", url = "" }
@inproceedings{ gleicher01motion, author = "Michael Gleicher", title = "Motion path editing", booktitle = "Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics", pages = "195-202", year = "2001", url = "" }
@article{ witkin95motion, author = "Andrew Witkin and Zoran Popovi{\'c}", title = "Motion Warping", journal = "Computer Graphics", volume = "29", number = "{Annual Conference Series}", pages = "105--108", year = "1995", url = "" }
@article{ bruderlin95motion, author = "Armin Bruderlin and Lance Williams", title = "Motion Signal Processing", journal = "Computer Graphics", volume = "29", number = "{Annual Conference Series}", pages = "97--104", year = "1995", url = "" }
@inproceedings{ lamouret96motion, author = "Alexis Lamouret and Michiel van de Panne", title = "Motion Synthesis By Example", booktitle = "Computer Animation and Simulation '96", pages = "199--212", url = "" }Update: 18. 9. 2003