JaGrLib image gallery
All images/videos were created using the JaGrLib library.
Video encoding: FFmpeg.
Demo-animations: 2006 (1:27, 31.8MB).
2D graphics
Polygon fill test |
Anti-aliased polygons |
Polygon clipping |
![Polygon fill](_fillPoly.jpg) |
![Antialiased polygons](_fillPolyAnti.jpg) |
![Polygon clipping](_clipPoly.jpg) |
Anti-aliased thick lines |
Clipping of thick lines |
![Antialiased lines](_antiLines.jpg) |
![Clipped AA lines](_clipAntiLines.jpg) |
TV screen test |
Gamma test |
Laser printer test (1200dpi) |
![TV test](_monoskop.png) |
![Gamma test](_gamma.jpg) |
![Laser test](_laser1200.png) |
HDR exposition with flare |
Flare 2 |
Analytical warping (twirl) |
![HDR flare](_flare.jpg) |
![HDR flare](_flare2.jpg) |
![Twirl warp](_twist.jpg) |
Emboss effect |
Pixelize effect |
CRT Zoom effect |
![Emboss](_emboss.jpg) |
![Pixelize](_pixelize.jpg) |
![CRT zoom](_crt.jpg) |
Oil effect |
Tangential blur |
Interactive warping (tri-mesh) |
![Oil1](_oil1.jpg) |
![Tangential](_tangential.jpg) |
![TriMesh Warping](_trWarping.jpg) |
Paint effect |
Radial blur |
![Painter effect](_paintHarasim.jpg) |
![Radial](_radial.jpg) |
Random |
Error distribution |
SFC 1 |
![Random](_ditDrb.png) |
![Error](_ditErr.png) |
![SFC1](_ditKaz.png) |
Ordered dither |
SFC 2 |
Star-dots |
![Ordered](_ditOrd.png) |
![SFC](_ditSfc.png) |
![Star-dots](_ditStar.png) |
Strange attractors |
![str01](_str01.png) |
![str02](_str02.png) |
![str03](_str03.png) |
![str04](_str04.png) |
![str05](_str05.png) |
![str06](_str06.png) |
![str07](_str07.png) |
![str08](_str08.png) |
![str09](_str09.png) |
![str10](_str10.png) |
![str11](_str11.png) |
![str12](_str12.png) |
Lyapunov |
![Lyap1](_lyapunov1.jpg) |
![Lyap2](_lyapunov2.jpg) |
Sampling test (checker0) |
Sampling test (checker45) |
Sampling test (cos r3) |
Checker animation |
![Checker 0](_Checker0ajitter256.png) |
![Checker 45](_Checker45ajitter256.png) |
![Cos r^3](_CosR3ajitter256.png) |
![Checker anim](_checkerAnim.png) |
Points, center-pass |
Line segments, ray-pass |
![Points](_searchPoint.jpg) |
![Segments](_searchRay.jpg) |
Tweaked Mandelbrot Set |
The Four Seasons |
Water |
![Tweaked Mandel](_mandel.jpg) |
![The 4 Seasons](_turonova.jpg) |
![Water](_misek.jpg) |
(c) 2006, Josef Pelikán |
(c) 2006, Beata Turonová |
(c) 2006, Jakub Mísek |
Ellipses |
Space |
Circles |
![Ellipses](_pascenko.jpg) |
![Space](_matejka.jpg) |
![Circles](_viktorinova.jpg) |
(c) 2006, Petr Pascenko |
(c) 2006, Jiri Matejka |
(c) 2006, Eva Viktorinová |
Fractal |
Julia Set |
Flame |
![Fractal](_dekanek.jpg) |
![Julia Set](_moravec.jpg) |
![Flame animation](flamePetrSkoda.jpg) |
(c) 2006, Matús Dekánek |
(c) 2006, Lubos Moravec |
(c) 2010, Petr Skoda |
3D graphics
Wireframe |
Flat shading |
Color interpolation |
![Wireframe](_renderWire.jpg) |
![Flat shading](_renderFlat.jpg) |
![Color interpolation](_gouraud1.jpg) |
Texture (checker) |
Texture (Polka dots) |
![Checkerboard](_renderChecker.jpg) |
![Polka dots](_renderPolka.jpg) |
Animations: Flat-shaded scene (13.3MB),
Simple checker texture (24.3MB),
Checker texture with invalid perspective correction (46.8MB).
Adaptive jittering |
Supersampling visualization |
![Adaptive jittering](_adaptive256.jpg) |
![Supersampling](_ss256.jpg) |
Basic technique |
Area light source |
![Basic](_dof0.jpg) |
![Area light](_area.jpg) |
Depth-of-field camera |
DoF camera with area light source |
Another DoF scene |
![DoF camera](_dof2.jpg) |
![DoF camera + area light](_dofArea.jpg) |
![DoF scene](_dof.jpg) |
Point light source |
Rectangular (1x1) source |
Oblong (0.2x3) source |
![Point source](_lightPoint.jpg) |
![Rectangular source](_light1x1.jpg) |
![Oblong source](_lightOblong.jpg) |
DoF camera - near |
DoF camera - far |
DoF camera - far, big aperture |
DoF camera - pentagonal diaphragm |
![DoF near](_dofNear.jpg) |
![DoF far](_dofFar.jpg) |
![DoF far strong](_dofFarStrong.jpg) |
![DoF pentagon](_dofFar5.jpg) |
Glossy reflection (H=1024) |
Glossy reflection (H=256) |
Glossy reflection (H=64) |
Glossy reflection (H=16) |
![glossy1024](_glossy1024.jpg) |
![glossy256](_glossy0256.jpg) |
![glossy64](_glossy0064.jpg) |
![glossy16](_glossy0016.jpg) |
HDR output test |
Texture samples |
Bump-texture |
![HDR test](_hdrTest.jpg) |
![Textures](_textures.jpg) |
![Bump-texture](_bump1.jpg) |
Surfaces of revolution |
Triangle mesh (flat shading) |
Triangle mesh (smooth shading) |
![Revolution](_rotation3.jpg) |
![Brep flat](_brepFlat.jpg) |
![Brep smooth](_brepSmooth2.jpg) |
Triangle mesh (Teapot) |
Three teapots (flat) |
Three teapots (smooth) |
![Brep teapot](_brepTeapot.jpg) |
![Teapots flat](_teapot3flat.jpg) |
![Teapots](_teapot3.jpg) |
More complex CSG (Attila Ulman) |
Pool (no waves yet) |
Pool animation (rain) |
![Complex CSG](_ashtray.jpg) |
![Pool0](_pool0.jpg) |
![Pool anim](_poolAnim.jpg) |
Ray-tracing decomposition
Constant scene (phongTest.jgl)
was rendered using various settings:
Complete picture |
Supersampling visualization |
![Complete picture](_rtAll.jpg) |
![Supersampling](_rtAllSS.jpg) |
Phong-Schlick shading |
+ shadows |
+ texture |
![Shading only](_rtShading.jpg) |
![Shadows](_rtShadows.jpg) |
![Texture](_rtTexture.jpg) |
+ reflections |
+ refractions = all |
![Reflections](_rtReflections.jpg) |
![Complete picture](_rtAll.jpg) |
Influence of individual recursion levels
Recursion depth: 0 |
Recursion depth: 1 |
Recursion depth: 2 |
![Depth: 0](_rtDepth0.jpg) |
![Depth: 1](_rtDepth1.jpg) |
![Depth: 2](_rtDepth2.jpg) |
Differences: |
![Diff: 01](_rtDiff01.jpg) |
![Diff: 12](_rtDiff12.jpg) |
Recursion depth: 3 |
Recursion depth: 4 |
Recursion depth: 5 |
![Depth: 3](_rtDepth3.jpg) |
![Depth: 4](_rtDepth4.jpg) |
![Depth: 5](_rtDepth5.jpg) |
![Diff: 23](_rtDiff23.jpg) |
![Diff: 34](_rtDiff34.jpg) |
![Diff: 45](_rtDiff45.jpg) |
(amplified 2 times) |
(amplified 4 times) |
Cornell Box
Flat shading |
Gouraud |
Gouraud, Yellow light |
![rad-flat](_radFlatWhiteLight.png) |
![rad-gou](_radGouraudWhiteLight.jpg) |
![rad-gou-yellow](_radGouraudYellowLight.jpg) |
Copyright (C) 2004-2014 J.Pelikán,
last change: 2020-12-08 00:57:30 +0100 (Tue, 08 Dec 2020)