Your task is to implement KD-tree or R-tree data structure for efficient lookup in huge set of 2D points. Think hard about optimal tree building (set of points is static, you will be able to balance a tree easily) and about the kNN search algorithm itself. Each kNN search instance (query) is defined by: center point and required result size (K). Query results will be returned in form of point handles, points have to be sorted from the closest one to the farthest one.
Your algorithms should count various statistics: number of computed point-point distances, number of point-box distances, etc. (see below). These numbers will be used in a result table comparing all the handed-in solutions.
It is recommended to test the algorithms on very large input sets (107 points or more). Your methods should be universal and robust!
WinForms-based application is ready to test efficiency and correctness of your kd-tree implementation by generating arbitrary number of short lines (deterministic but uneven distribution based on the Lorentz attractor, Paul Bourke page). Your tree-building code is invoked and after this building phase a required set of queries is performed. Results are optionally presented in graphical form, a simple hashcode-based fingerprint is computed for checking correctness of the results. Elapsed time and counter-based statistics are presented as well.
Statistics which will be used to assess your solution:
You have to use the 111tree project from the grcis repository. A WinForms-based application is ready, user can modify size of input set, number of queries, random-seed, etc. Your implementation will be in the Tree class, which you can find in the Tree.cs source file. You are free to add any code/data stuctures to this specific file.
Point-box distance: use provided function PointBoxDistanceSquared().
Beware of duplicities: no duplicities in the result list will be tolerated!
Data size | Random seed | Query size | K | HASH | Time [s] |
1000000 | 7 | 100 | 24 | EC3415849C3E9C25 | 4.54 |
1000000 | 12 | 200 | 24 | 8744A760399D6022 | 9.05 |
5000000 | 144 | 200 | 24 | B0A24B22FE01F321 | 45.14 |
20000000 | 90125 | 200 | 24 | 5191B4516981094 | 181.66 |
Due to: 2. 12. 2017
Base: 25 points (functional code, 100% correct results!), bonus points for very good efficiency
Visual Studio project: 111tree.
Modify and submit the file: Tree.cs
Copyright (C) 2005-2017 J.Pelikán, last change: 2019-05-09 17:52:59 +0200 (Thu, 09 May 2019)