Computer graphics and vision seminar

Brief Description

The seminar for advanced computer graphics and vision has no fixed topics, its purpose is to inform participants about recent advances in computer graphics and vision. Participants of the seminar present interesting methods from literature (external students) or their own research (CGG group members).


Date Speaker Title/Abstract
6.3. Rostyslav Liapkin ThedyxEngine – 2D Thermodynamics Simulator
Bachelor thesis presentation
13.3. Tomáš Iser Current research
20.3. Kasem Anis Boualli ROCF paper
27.3. Filip Jezowicz Design and Implementation of Efficient Interface between Maya and Houdini
10.4. David Říha 3D Gaussian Ray Tracing: Fast Tracing of Particle Scenes
17.4. Seonkyeong Lyu previous research on a dataset for the Human Pose Estimation task
submitted to CVPR 2022
24.4. Rishikesh Kumar Spatial-Temporal Coherent Dynamic 3D content Generation
1.5. n/a No seminar
8.5. n/a No seminar
15.5. Tomáš Karella Invariant & Equivariant Neural Networks
PhD research

Excursion ideas (to be decided): Troja (CGG lab, David’s lab, multimedia lab), Charles Games, CIIRC,, Eli, other VFX houses, Metrology institute, Valeo, VRgineers,