Task 044: animating the logo of the CGG

The goal is to produce a short animation of the CGG logo, which could be used as a standard feature in videos produced by the group. Within reason, you can try any 2D or 3D concept. It would be best, though, if at the end of the animation the CGG logo appeared in its canonical form (see below). The animation should be reasonably long (we recommend 3-10 sec), and it should look appealing at any reasonable resolution and FPS. No other restrictions apply.

CGG logo


The template application 083animation from the repository grcis serves as the basis of this project. It is a simple application that repeatedly runs your method Animation.DrawFrame() and writes the results to individual PNG files. The calculation is done in a separate thread so that it can, if necessary, be interrupted via the Stop button. In the project, Animation.cs is replaced by the source file file AnimationCgg.cs!

Technical details

The method Animation.DrawFrame() is handed data on the current time (see the reference implementation) and a reference to the Drawing Canvas object. The method also has access to data that defines the image size.

You can not assume anything about the order in which individual frames of the animation are rendered. Individual threads can draw images in any order. At the beginning of calculating the animation (or before each picture) your method Animation.InitAnimation() is executed: there, you can put any initialisation of global shared data, and suchlike. If you need to perform a comprehensive calculation (physical / mechanical simulation, etc.), you must also run InitAnimation().

Initialisation of parameters: in order to have all relevant code nicely grouped in a single location, you can initialise your application parameters in the function InitParams(). It is called during application start-up.

Programming details

The file AnimationCgg.cs contains code for drawing the evolution of the logo in the standard color version on a white background. The source text contains a vector shape definition of the logo for easy use in your C# program. If you go for the monochrome variant that uses only the geometry, all the circles will have the same color.
We imagine that your solution will be more interesting than the pilot, and look forward to seeing creative entries!

Production of the video file

See e.g. this manual. ffmpeg binaries for Windows can be downloaded from here. The generated video can be uploaded to YouTube: send us the link to the video once you are done with that! And do not forget to attach the source file AnimationCgg.cs.

CGG Logo

It is necessary to respect the exact shape of the CGG logo. The shape is available to you in several formats: as a bitmap, in SVG vector format, as TXT file file or as CSV table. The background color should be pure white, and the circles should be in their original colours: however, alternatives from the graphics manual of the department may also be chosen.


Hand in until: 9. 1. 2016


5 to 20 points (depending on what you chose to do, these can count to your 3D quota).
Bonus: depending on placement in the voting contest


Visual Studio project: 083animation

Source file

Modify and hand in the source file: AnimationCgg.cs
As a comment in the first line, please include your name!
Do not forget to send the link to the resulting video.


Please vote in the contest from XX. 1. 2016 onwards.

Copyright (C) 2015 J. Pelikán & A. Wilkie, last change: 2022-11-14 20:42:47 +0100 (Mon, 14 Nov 2022)