My current projects
- JaGrLib - educational library for computer graphics
- Goal of this project is to develop library (framework) for algorithms / data structures design,
testing and tuning. Library concepts are general but first development phases are focused
to computer graphics (image processing, computational geometry). Computer graphics students
(NPGR003, PGR004
and NPGR007 lectures) are participating in the development
since fall 2000/2001. See JaGrLib home-page for details.
My former projects
- CGEL - computer graphics educational library
- This library was developed for Computer graphics I & II lectures (see
NPGR003 and
NPGR004). The library is
implemented in Turbo-Pascal and contains TP units, programs and data for
2D and 3D graphics and image processing. Topics covered:
- mouse driver, basic 2D drawing, filling and clipping algorithms
- halftoning and dithering, error-distribution methods
- color spaces RGB, HSV, CMY, color displaying, color quantization,
special colormaps
- 2D raster image representation and compression, GIF and Targa file formats
- basic image processing: histogram operations, convolution filters,
rank-filters, color operations
- 2D and 3D linear transforms, projections
- 3D scenes representation and rendering, visibility algorithms
- lighting models, shading methods
- Ray-tracing: CSG representation, anti-aliasing, sampling methods,
textures, noise functions
- You can download
the source code.
Keep in mind that it is experimental and made for Czech students (almost
all documentation is in Czech).
- IZO - program for iso-contours generation
- The program for visualization of scalar data measured in regular and
semi-regular grids (used in hydrobiology). The program does smooth data
interpolation and the results are displayed by iso-contours or densitograms.
A simple 2D editor is included for labels and titles. Click
here for output example.
Now Windows version is prepared -
it will include more general input data formats, enhanced approximation methods,
more powerful drawing tools, OLE support, etc.
- Ideas and algorithms for HiFill accelerator hardware
- "HiFill" is simple hardware (based on Czech patent) able to speed-up
polygon-filling and -shading routines on PCs' SuperVGA boards. It might find applications in
virtual reality, games, multimedia, etc. At present there are
demo programs which can display (with help of HiFill hardware) approximately
15 mil.pixels/s in cca 50 3D rotated, constant-shaded polygonal faces on
486DX2-66Mhz PC (at speed of 60 frames/s with double-buffering in 800x600x256
video mode). This is speed of 3000 constant shaded polygons per second, each
of approx. 5000 pixels(!).
- Development of 3D graphics library for Famulus NT
- New, 32-bit version of popular simulation and educational software Famulus
will be released when Windows 95 will come to our market. I am member of
developers team, my job is 3D graphics and visualization library. I am also
supervisor of students' software project which involves design and
implementation of the new language (with object-oriented features and
optimizing 32-bit compiler) and development of new "smart" editor with
meta-text features and advanced language-sensitive help. For more information
see Student projects page.
- The 3D library will include: fast wire-frame drawing, rendering
with constant, Gouraud and Phong shading, Alpha-blending, iso-contours and
iso-surfaces computing, volume data rendering, animation, 3D modelling module,
- Book on 3D modelling (1991-1992)
- Czech text-book for middle school teachers and students who are interested
in geometric modelling, curves and surfaces used in computer graphics. Covered
topics: mathematical methods for 3D modelling, Bezier, B-spline and Beta-spline
curves and surfaces. Many examples, over 150 pictures, 152 pages. Czech
reference: PC - Prostorové modelování, GRADA a.s. 1992,
ISBN: 80-85424-53-3
- PrIMo - program for 3D modelling (1990-1992)
- PC-program for middle-school users. Functions: 3D scene modelling and
rendering (wire-frame, boundary representation, visibility computation),
interactive user interface with context-sensitive help, geometric primitives:
polygons, Bezier, B-spline and Beta-spline surfaces, parallel, oblique and
perspective projections, hierarchical object representation.
- User manual was published in GRADA publishing house. Reference:
PrIMo - program pro prostorové modelování, GRADA a.s. 1992,
160 pages, ISBN: 80-85424-61-4
- network & system utilities w3stat,
MSwho, diskusage
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Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Josef Pelikán,
last change: $Date: 2014-10-02 18:11:28 +0200 (Thu, 02 Oct 2014) $ ($Rev: 250$)