Adaptive direct illumination sampling Petr Vévoda Jaroslav Křivánek November 2016 ACM Transactions on Graphics • Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia
Adaptive direct illumination sampling Petr Vévoda Jaroslav Křivánek November 2016 ACM Transactions on Graphics • Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia
Bi-directional Polarised Light Transport Michal Mojzík Tomáš Skřivan Alexander Wilkie Jaroslav Křivánek June 2016 Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR)
Bi-directional Polarised Light Transport Michal Mojzík Tomáš Skřivan Alexander Wilkie Jaroslav Křivánek June 2016 Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR)
Unifying points, beams, and paths in volumetric light transport simulation Jaroslav Křivánek Iliyan Georgiev Toshiya Hachisuka Petr Vévoda Martin Šik Derek Nowrouzezahrai Wojciech Jarosz July 2014 ACM Transactions on Graphics • Proceedings of SIGGRAPH
Unifying points, beams, and paths in volumetric light transport simulation Jaroslav Křivánek Iliyan Georgiev Toshiya Hachisuka Petr Vévoda Martin Šik Derek Nowrouzezahrai Wojciech Jarosz July 2014 ACM Transactions on Graphics • Proceedings of SIGGRAPH
Hero Wavelength Spectral Sampling Alexander Wilkie Sehera Nawaz Marc Droske Andrea Weidlich Johannes Hanika June 2014 Computer Graphics Forum • Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR)
Hero Wavelength Spectral Sampling Alexander Wilkie Sehera Nawaz Marc Droske Andrea Weidlich Johannes Hanika June 2014 Computer Graphics Forum • Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR)
Procedural Modelling of Urban Road Networks Jan Beneš Alexander Wilkie Jaroslav Křivánek February 2014 Computer Graphics Forum
Procedural Modelling of Urban Road Networks Jan Beneš Alexander Wilkie Jaroslav Křivánek February 2014 Computer Graphics Forum
Predicting Sky Dome Appearance on Earth-like Extrasolar Worlds Alexander Wilkie Lukáš Hošek May 2013 SCCG
Predicting Sky Dome Appearance on Earth-like Extrasolar Worlds Alexander Wilkie Lukáš Hošek May 2013 SCCG
Adding a Solar-Radiance Function to the Hošek-Wilkie Skylight Model Lukáš Hošek Alexander Wilkie May 2013 IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
Adding a Solar-Radiance Function to the Hošek-Wilkie Skylight Model Lukáš Hošek Alexander Wilkie May 2013 IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
An Analytic Model for Full Spectral Sky-Dome Radiance Lukáš Hošek Alexander Wilkie August 2012 Proceedings of SIGGRAPH • ACM Transactions on Graphics
An Analytic Model for Full Spectral Sky-Dome Radiance Lukáš Hošek Alexander Wilkie August 2012 Proceedings of SIGGRAPH • ACM Transactions on Graphics
Interactive Cloud Rendering Using Temporally-Coherent Photon Mapping Oskar Elek Tobias Ritschel Alexander Wilkie Hans-Peter Seidel May 2012 Graphics Interface
Interactive Cloud Rendering Using Temporally-Coherent Photon Mapping Oskar Elek Tobias Ritschel Alexander Wilkie Hans-Peter Seidel May 2012 Graphics Interface
Modeling and Verifying the Polarizing Reflectance of Real-World Metallic Surfaces Kai Berger Andrea Weidlich Alexander Wilkie Marcus Magnor November 2011 IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
Modeling and Verifying the Polarizing Reflectance of Real-World Metallic Surfaces Kai Berger Andrea Weidlich Alexander Wilkie Marcus Magnor November 2011 IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications