Photorealistic graphics – labs (2024/2025)
Lab credit
For the lab credit you will need to work on a Term project
– implementation of your own Ray-Tracer in C# language.
A project template and some support classes will be provided,
the rest will be on you.
You have to earn at least 50 points (upper limit is 80).
See current points in this shared table
More information will be available in the RT004 GIT repository
A. Term project
You will write your own ray tracer from scratch. Scalable and well-designed
(temporary states could be slightly messy) code will be rewarded.
Programming language is C# – .NET 6, usual developing environments will be
Visual Studio 2022
for Windows and
Visual Studio 2022
for Mac. Linux users could use Visual
Studio Code.
No GUI, command line interface only.
Information from the lecturer, project template, support classes...
will be published via the RT004 GIT repository.
B. Documentation
See the RT004 GIT repository.
C. Project plan
Step01. GIT repository setup
- Create your own private GIT repository –
GitLab and
GitHub are two
recommended platforms. Create your own repository and link
the original
one as a "remote" for a comfortable way to
integrate future updates. You can use the command
git remote add origin
- Setup your own Visual Studio project – you can copy
it from the RT004/src/rt004.
The standard place for your solution is the solution directory.
- Write your initial documentation page using the
Markdown syntax
- Grant me the R/O permissions –
GitLab link (pelikan),
GitHub link (pepcape)
Step02. Command line program
- The simple command-line project is already available.
- Setup a simple command-line parameter and config-file parsing systems
– any simple text based (or XML-based) format is possible.
- Some simple logging/debug system could be useful but you can postpone it...
Step03. Raster image output
- Your program should create an HDR raster image with the
given resolution and write it to a disk file –
PFM format (and eventually Radiance HDR format)
will be available in the project template.
- Implement any "non-trivial" image content
(e.g. defined by a formula) – please test your command-line/config
parameters – try to modify the image resolution and content
- Recommended image viewers are
Picturenaut for HDR,
IrfanView for LDR,
or GIMP for any format...
- Checkpoint 1: I will check your
repository (it must be readable for me) and try to compile
and run your program. I’ll check your config system and
result HDR images.
The rest of the plan is in brief form only, see
RT004 repository
for details
Step04. Camera (ray generator for ray-tracing)
Step05. At least two solids (Sphere, Plane, Cylinder...)
Step06. A simple local reflectance function (BRDF) and an associated
material description
Step07. Light source (point or directional)
Step08 + Checkpoint 2. Ray-casting for rendering images w/o recursion
Step09. Object-oriented design (refactor your code if it is not OOP yet)
Step10. Shadows
Step11 + Checkpoint 3. Reflections and recursion (the 1st version of ray-tracing)
Step12. Scene hierarchy read from a disk file (scene description file format)
Step13. Refractions (transparent materials)
Step14 + Checkpoint 4. Anti-aliasing, mandatory checkpoint (better ray-tracing)
Optional topics - pick at least two of them
Approximately with increasing complexity and decreasing importance/relevance.
Topic01. More solids
Topic02. More BRDFs
Topic03. Textures
Topic04. Noise textures
Topic05. Tone-mapping
Topic06. Parallel implementation
Topic07. Sky-dome
Topic08. Acceleration for triangle soups
Topic09. CSG scene definition (set operations)
Topic10. Distributed ray tracing (soft shadows, soft reflections...)
Topic11. Scene animation, motion blur
Topic12. Spectral ray-tracer, dispersion of light
Topic13. Path-tracing
Credit requirements
Students have to earn a total of at least 50 points, upper limit is 80 points
(at least 16 points have to be from 3D graphics assignments).
Deadline for winter-term credit is 2. 3. 2025 !
Deadline for summer-term credit is 30. 6. 2025 !
Credit points will be added to examination result (max 100 points) and the final grade
will be determined using the following Grading Table:
150+ points |
A (výborně) |
130 to 149 points |
B (velmi dobře) |
110 to 129 points |
C (dobře) |
less than 110 points |
F (nevyhověl(a)) |
How to earn credit points
A1. assignments running through the whole term NPGR003 (implemented in C#)
Assignments are given in the labs (practicals), one assignment will be given in each lab.
Students will have at least two weeks to deliver a solution.
Number of points awarded for a solution depends on the difficulty, solution quality, robustness, and elegance.
Additional bonus points can be given, e.g. in case of a contest.
A2. semester project NPGR004 (C#)
The project you will be working on throughout the entire semester. For detailed information,
step-by-step instructions, and checkpoints, see the detailed pages of the exercise.
B. transfer from previous year
90% of last-year points could be transferred from the previous year
(upon explicit student's request via email).
Some assignments have a well-defined quantitative criterion for solution comparison,
based on which one can assemble a chart of best solutions.
Such tasks will be marked as "CONTEST" and there will be a public chart displaying the best achieved results.
In case the assignment is handed in by at least 10 students/teams, the three best solutions will obtain a premium of 10, 6, and 3 pts, respectively.
(In case the solution was done in a team, all its members get the premium.)
Only solutions submitted before the deadline are allowed to enter the contest!
Since grading of the assignments is very time consuming, your are kindly requested to follow several simple rules:
Mail messages have to be sent from an e-mail identity where your civil
first name and surname can be easily determined.
(Use something like "Malcolm Reynolds" <>.)
Message subject has to contain a task number (NPGR003 ... two-digit decimal number).
Everything else is optional.
TEST functionality of your code. When grading, the code could be run in conditions slightly different from the
obvious ones. If it fails, points go down. So make sure to produce robust code! Handle all (even weird) input conditions well.
This is especially true if you have the code generated by an AI assistant!
Submission of assignment solutions
We will use your GIT "copy" ... details are specified in the public GIT repository.
Penalty for late submission
There is a penalty of 1 point for every day of delay after an assignment deadline.
Lab schedule
No English lab group is organized! If there are English speaking students
willing to enroll the lecture, please contact me via email immediately!
Video-recordings of some labs (in Czech language) will be available on the
Slides page.
Individual consulting will be organized on demand. Send me an e-mail for a consultation.
Copyright (C) 2000-2025 J.Pelikán,
last change: 2025-02-19 15:53:40 +0100 (Wed, 19 Feb 2025)