All the dates are for the Czech course
for the lectures (2021/2022).
Old playlist
for the labs (2023/24) (Note: some organizational and technical details may have changed)
Course content, additional sources, Ray-tracing principles revisited.
Lecture 1 (2021/22).
Credit system, programming environment (C# environment,
Git repository RT007, MS Visual Studio),
Git repository RT004,
ray-tracing example: 048rtmontecarlo-script.
Lab 1 (2023/24) – lab credit,
demo, RT004 repository, steps and checkpoints.
Shading basics, continuous shading. Definition of BRDF,
physics, general BRDF concepts...
Lecture 2 (2021/22).
Lab credit details, more about the RT004 repo. See
lab page for details.
Lab 2 (2023/24) –
shading interpolation demo, more RT004 details: Checkpoint 2 I
General BRDF concepts revisited, Fresnel functions, microfacet models:
Cook-Torrance, Oren-Nayar, looking for better microfacet distributions
D(h) and geometric factors G, Lafortune's lobe model, Schlick's improvements,
subsurface scattering...
Lecture 3 (2021/22).
Shading interpolation demo (Gouraud, Phong).
Ray-tracer implementation: Camera (primary ray generator),
Solid/Shape (ray representation, intersection computation...)
Lab 3 (2023/24) – RT004:
Checkpoint 2 II
Ray-scene intersection basics: planar shapes, convex polyhedron, implicit and algebraic surfaces,
general and rotational quadrics, sphere (geometric solution), torus, surface of revolution,
CSG representation. Bezier surfaces: Geometric method (Newtonish), De Casteljau subdivision...
Lecture 4 (2021/22).
Ray-tracer implementation: Solid/Shape revisited (primary computation
vs. additional data = normal vector, TXT coordinates...),
BRDF & materials (cooperating objects, materials are associated with
scene objects/nodes as attributes...),
light sources (point/directional).
Lab 4 (2023/24) – RT004:
intersections, attributes...
Copyright (C) 2001-2025 J.Pelikán, last change: 2025-02-19 15:29:11 +0100 (Wed, 19 Feb 2025)