Photorealistic Graphics – materials

Set of essential books/dissertations for the course are:

From [Glassner1989]: the entire book is useful, maybe except of practical implementation chapters.
From [Shirley2009]: pages 69-90, 233-260, 303-316, 317-338.

Additional materials:

Materials for the lab

  • Lab WWW page: all organizational information, some Ray-tracer hints, instructions for Steps and Checkpoints, deadlines...

Video-labs (in Czech):

Video content on YouTube:
Playlist for the labs (2023/24)
Old playlist for the labs (2022/23) (Note: some organizational and technical details have changed)
Old playlist for the labs (2021/22)
Old playlist for the labs (2020/21)

Photorealistic Graphics – slides in English, notes and videos in Czech

See the shared Google Drive directory with notes.

Video content on YouTube:
Playlist for the lectures (2021/22)
Old playlist for the lectures (2020/21)

Subject matter in chronological order

Shading and Ray-Tracing

Advanced Ray-tracing

Light transport theory, Radiosity

Monte Carlo rendering

Not used slides

Copyright (C) 1997-2024 J.Pelikán, last change: 2024-05-19 23:05:31 +0200 (Sun, 19 May 2024)