Your task is to implement an alterative ray generator (camera, interface ICamera) for our ray-based renderer. Your new camera has to be tested in a sample scene. You might want to create a new better scene to demonstrate (panoramic) capabilities of your camera.
You will work in the template application 048rtmontecarlo or
048rtmontecarlo-script from the repository
There is the form capable of choosing a scene from a list-box, setting up
various options.. After pressing the "Render" button, the scene will
be rendered and the result image will be displayed in the form window.
Use the MonteCarloRT.cs source file for your implementation,
you will send me this file as a solution of the assignment. You can create new classes
(minimally the one implementing a new camera model), data structures, etc.
Definition of your scene (CustomScene.TestScene()) is in this file as well.
Text parameter Param: will be passed to the construction function.
If you want to test our new feature - definition of a R-T scene using
CSharpScript, please use the 048rtmontecarlo-script project
and put your scene definition into a new .cs file (be inspired by
builtin scenes in the directory data/rtscenes/). Scripts have access
to the text parameter Param: as well.
Survey of relevant concepts and components of our ray-tracer architecture can be found in this PDF presentation.
Fisheye - nonlinear lens with
very wide viewing angle (up to 180°). You will have to to use the posibility
to return the false value from the API function GetRay() - for all the
invalid (out of the image circle) projection plane points..
Panorama page on Wikipedia - direct
drawing of a wide-angle (panoramic) image using alternative projection surface (usually a part of
cylindric surface). In extreme way we can use the whole 360° envorinment around a
360°/180° "equirectangular" panorama -
panorama containing view of the complete environment around a viewpoint.
In realtime/HDRI we often use the simple mapping [azimuth,elevation] (thus the name
"360°/180° equirectangular").
Omnidirectional photography -
description of many special lenses and imaging systems, you might be inspired by some of them..
You must send the modified file MonteCarloRT.cs. Please include interesting settings, new scene[s] and camera positions into list-box options in the form.
There is an option to define your scene in a CS-script file (see the 048rtmontecarlo-script project), you have to hand in a script file together with your source file. Script format: see the data/rtscenes/ directory in the repository.
Hand in the assignment before: 16. 4. 2018
Basis: 18 points (functional ray generator, at least one new test scene),
up to additional 8 points: bonus for interesting camera, implementation
or parametrization
Bonus points for interesting scene will be assigned via the
task 061, the scene must be defined using a
Please leave a note in the mail body that you ask for bonus points for the scene.
Visual Studio project: 048rtmontecarlo or 048rtmontecarlo-script
Modify and hand in the source file: MonteCarloRT.cs
Edit your name in the InitializeScenes() function!
Copyright (C) 2011-2018 J.Pelikán, last change: 2020-02-17 00:43:03 +0100 (Mon, 17 Feb 2020)