Josef Pelikán

Pepca email
+420-22191-4240 (office)
+420-22191-4217 (secretary)
KSVI MFF UK, Malostranské nám. 25, CZ-11800 Praha 1, Czech Republic
View my profile on LinkedIn  fb 

Current semester (summer 2024/2025)

Photorealistic Graphics (NPGR004)

Advanced lecture on photorealistic computer graphics - see general information in Czech and in English,
current info – Czech, English,
lecture notes are in English (old slides in Czech).

Labs – English page

Past semesters

Introduction to Computer Graphics (NPGR003)

Basic course of computer graphics - see general information in Czech or in English,
current info (Czech page), lecture notes (Czech page)

Labs (Czech page)


Supervision of Team software projects

Old project (in Czech): Photo3D (reconstruction of 3D scene from photos taken by an AR headset /Microsoft HoloLens/).

Supervision of NPRG045 software projects

No new topic offers from me..
Individual project proposals from the whole CGG group,
Official manual page in Czech.

Realtime Graphics on GPU (NPGR019)

Lecture for real-time 3D graphics supported by GPUs - see general information in Czech and in English,
current info, lecture notes


Advanced 2D computer graphics (NPGR007)

Advanced lecture on 2D computer graphics - see general information in Czech or in English,
current info, lecture notes


Visualization (NPGR023)

Advanced lecture on visualization - see general information in Czech or in English,
current info, lecture notes


Computer graphics III (NPGR010)

Realistic rendering lecture - see general information in Czech or in English,
current info, lecture notes

Special computer graphics seminar (NPGR005)

Seminar for advanced computer graphics - see information in Czech or in English.

Seminar on Scientific Soft Skills (NPGR024)

Details and schedule can be found here.

Professional interests

Computer graphics

Augmented reality (HoloLens), Virtual reality, shader programming, GPU realtime rendering, volume rendering, triangulations and mesh processing, geometric morphometrics, visualization, still picture & video compression, geometric design, halftoning and dithering, image analysis, realistic image synthesis.

Applied (computer) science

Data analysis, data mining, Monte-Carlo methods, computational geometry, geometric data structures, data compression.


C#, C++, Java, parallel programming, programming contests (on-line problemset at Valladolid, PoTM), game programming (Pah-tum, life á la Conway, ..), programming team leadership, SW engineering

Operating systems

UNIX, Linux, system programming & administration

Internet technologies



Hardware support for computer graphics (GPUs), real-time video compression, PC assembly

My current projects

Lecture notes

Lecture notes for introduction to Computer graphics, CG II, 2D, HW & Visualization (NPGR003, NPGR004, NPGR007, NPGR019, NPGR023) - in Czech and English

GrCis repository

C# for computer graphics - project supporting former courses on computer graphics (examples, exercises, test data, ..)

OpenGL repository

GPU-course support page - project supporting former course on Real-time graphics


VUCAKO Bench - benchmark suite for 32- and 64- bit computers (C++, Java, plans for C#)

CGG server

I'm administrator of the CGG server (WWW, mail, mailman, SVN)

My former projects


JaGrLib - Java Graphics Library: educational toolkit in Java.

Face scanning

3D skenovani obliceje (in Czech only)

2N Telecommunications

SW team coordination at 2N Telecommunications: development of ATEUS - NETSTAR.

Operation Flashpoint

BIStudio - external member of Bohemia Interactive Studio team (developers of Operation Flashpoint: CWC, Resistance and Xbox versions).

Digital video recorder

DVR - algorithms for Digital Video Recorder (in co-operation with the CoDeP company)

Data compression

Data compression libraries for Epoc platform (co-operation with the X-soft company)

TNS AISA projects

Mystery - general system for data presentation (for the AISA company)

BRIEF/FULL - system for data presentation (for the AISA company)


Testy - universal system for on-line examinations (in co-operation with the Kalibro company)


Volby - election simulation


The JOIN project

Very old projects

IZO - program for iso-coutours generation (used in hydrobiology)

Development of 3D graphics library for Famulus NT

Ideas and algorithms for HiFill accelerator

Network & system utilities w3stat, MSwho and diskusage

Computer graphics educational library

Book on 3D modelling (in Czech - textbook for high-schools)

PrIMo - program for 3D modelling

Casual lectures and teaching

Augmented reality with HoloLens (CSGG conference, Gymnasium Benešov, Gymnasium Kladno)

Realistic rendering (Festival fantasie, 4. 7. 2017, slides in Czech)

Geometric Morphometrics (slides in Czech)

Random point placement (26 pages in Czech) - survey paper for the 34th Conference for geometry and graphics, slides in Czech, SUI'2105 slides

HDR imaging

Subversion lecture (in Czech) lecture: April 28th 2008, 10:40, S3

Lecture on Photorealistic rendering 2010 (for high-schools, in Czech)

Lecture on Photorealistic rendering 2008 (for Faculty of Architecture, in Czech)

Lecture on Networking in games (in Czech)

Lecture on Photorealistic rendering 2006 (for Dept. of Optics, in Czech)

Java course for C++ programmers (in Czech)

Clumsy programming (in Czech) ?

Team SW Project "Morphome3cs II" (in Czech)

I once taught a Computer graphic course at grammar school (Gymnázium Zborovská)

Lipnice 1999 - Materiály ke stazení (10MB!)

Rozsirujici studium ucitelstvi (2. rocnik - predmet Pocitacova grafika): stránka s odkazy

Copyright (C) 1995-2025 J.Pelikán, last change: 2025-02-19 15:29:11 +0100 (Wed, 19 Feb 2025)